Conferencias 2018

  • The Participative Action of the Research Group of the Universidad Politecnica Salesiana as a Connection to the Vinculation with Society Throught the Educative Innovation
    Serpa-Andrade, L.., Rive-Calle, F., Pinos-Velez, E. 2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE 2018); doi:10.1109/EDUNINE.2018.8450986. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • Prácticas de lectura y escritura en los primeros niveles de educación superior: experiencias exitosas en la provincia del Azuay
    Toral, Adriana. Jornadas repensando la Educación Superior en Ecuador, América Latina y el Caribe; Ecuador. Link.
  • How is the quality of life of patients with cerebral palsy improved? Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a communication and learning assistance system based on ICTs
    Berrezueta-Guzman, J., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Serpa-Andrade, L. AHFE 2017 International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60486-2_7. Alemania. Link.
  • Importancia de la lectura, redacción y pensamiento crítico en la educación superior
    Toral-Sarmiento, A. II Congreso Internacional de investigación en Ciencias Sociales (CIIS): nuevos caminos epistemológicos y metodológicos en Ciencias Sociales; Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Lectoescritura en entornos virtuales para estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva
    Toral-Sarmiento, A. IV Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad (CITIS 2017); Guayaquil, Ecuador. Link.
  • Creating an Ontological Networks to Support the Inference of Personality Traits and Facets
    García-Vélez, R., Galán-Mena, J., López-Nores, M., Robles-Bykbaev, V. 2018 IEEE XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON 2018); doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526453. Perú. Link.
  • Innovation in the Teaching Practice at University:Some Thoughs and Ideas Applied in Cuenca – Ecuador
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Serpa-Andrade, L., Pinos-Velez, E. 2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE 2018);
    doi:10.1109/EDUNINE.2018.8450970. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • Sign language trainer using leap motion
    Feicán, C., Cabrera, J., Arévalo, J., Ayala, E., Guerrero, F., Pinos-Velez, E. AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60018-5_25. Alemania. Link.
  • Proposal of a measurement system for the mood state of people through the cardiac signals and electrodermal resistance
    Serpa-Andrade, L., Avilés-Gonzales, K., Ramos-Avecillas, J. IV Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad (CITIS 2017). Guayaquil, Ecuador. Link.
  • A Domotics Control Tool Based on MYO Devices and Neural Networks
    Luna-Romero, S., Delgado-Espinoza, P., Rivera-Calle, F., Serpa-Andrade, L. AHFE 2017 International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60483-1_56. Los Angeles, Estados Unidos. Link.
  • ISLanD: An informatics intelligent system to support the language development of children from 4 to 5 years
    Bernal-Merchan, E., Suquilanda-Cuesta, P., Espinoza-Fajardo, C., Leon-Pesantez, A., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Quisi-Peralta, D. IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing, ROPEC 2017; doi:10.1109/ROPEC.2017.8261597. Ixtapa Guerrero, México. Link.
  • Development of a support system for the presumptive diagnosis of glaucoma through the processing of biomedical images of the human eye fundus in Ecuador
    Pinos-Vélez, E., Encalada, S., Gamboa, E., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Ipanque, W., Chacón, C.L. AHFE International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60483-1_11. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • A hybrid approach based on multi-sensory stimulation rooms, robotic assistants and ontologies to provide support in the intervention of children with autism
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Arévalo-Fernández, C., Naranjo-Cabrera, E., Quito-Naula, P., Pauta-Pintado, J., Ávila, G., Quezada, R. AHFE International Conference on Design for Inclusion, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60597-5_45. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • Mathematical modeling and ergonomic study of a pencil through numerical simulation for support of the graphological presumptive diagnosis
    González-Delgado, L., Verdugo-Cabrera, J., Serpa-Andrade, L., Ojeda-Zamalloa, I., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Naidiuk, O., González-Delgado, N. AHFE International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60483-1_54. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • An intelligent system to automatically generate video-summaries for accessible learning objects for people with hearing loss
    Ingavélez-Guerra, P., Cuzco-Calle, I., Calle-López, D., Oyola-Flores, C., Yambay-Aulla, I., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Hilera, J.R. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60018-5_12. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • An intelligent pen to assess anxiety levels through pressure sensors and fuzzy logic
    Tapia-Jaya, C., Ojeda-Zamalloa, I., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Becerra, I.S.A., Wong, V.C.L. AHFE International Conference on Advances in Human Factors and Wearable Technologies, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60639-2_7. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • An intelligent platform to design and develop low-cost assistive technologies and robotic assistants for children with disabilities
    Chiluisa-Castillo, D., Ortega-Barreto, F., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Pesántez-Avilés, F. 2018 IEEE XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON 2018); doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526413. Perú. Link.
  • Design of an intelligent system for prediction and simulation of writing in children with spasticity
    Serpa-Andrade, L., González-Delgado, L., Parra-Astudillo, A., Ojeda-Zamalloa, I., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Bunay, R. AHFE International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60483-1_58. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • Impact of the Dunning Kruger Effect on Psychology Students at the University of Cuenca
    Bunay Roman, Siguenza Wilson, Flores Karla, Serpa-Andrade, L. AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60018-5_37. Estados Unidos. Link.
  • Los procesos de lectoescritura en los estudiantes y su incidencia en la culminación de estudios superiores
    Toral-Sarmiento, A. IX Congreso Internacional de la Cátedra UNESCO para el Mejoramiento de la Calidad de la Educación, con base en la Lectura y la Escritura. Cuenca, Ecuador. Link.
  • Communication system for people with locked-in syndrome through electromyography signals
    Mogrovejo, M., Pinos-Velez, E., Redrovan, R., Serpa-Andrade, L. IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing, ROPEC 2017; doi:10.1109/ROPEC.2017.8261573. Ixtapa-Guerrero, México. Link.
  • A recommender system based on data mining techniques to support the automatic assignment of courses to teachers in higher education
    Pesantez-Aviles, F., Calle-Lopez, D., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Rodas-Tobar, M., Vasquez-Vasquez, C. 2nd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science, INCISCOS 2017; doi:10.1109/INCISCOS.2017.22. Quito, Ecuador. Link.
  • Preventing trauma accidents in children: An ecosystem based on interactive ludic activities for mobile and web-based environments
    Pulla-Sánchez, D., Quisi-Peralta, D., Wong, V.C.L., Moreno-Luzuriaga, G., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Timbi-Sisalima, C. AHFE International Conference on Usability and User Experience, 2017; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60492-3_12. Los Angeles, United States. Link.
  • Ergonomic Assessment and Analysis of Postural Load of Surgeons Performing Laparoscopic Surgeries in Cuenca, Ecuador
    Ordoñez-Ríos, M., Jara-Díaz, O., Salamea, Juan C., Robles-Bykbaev, V. AHFE 2017 International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60483-1_44. Estados Unidos. Link.
  • An intelligent ecosystem to improve the information access and knowledge development about sexual and reproductive health on deaf women in Cuenca, Ecuador
    Oyola-Flores, C., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Galán-Montesdeoca, J., Ingavélez-Guerra, P., Pesántez-Avilés, F. 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, SIPAIM 2018; doi:10.1117/12.2506648. Mazatlan, México. Link.
  • Development of a system of aid for use the computer through a wireless system for people with quadriplegia in Ecuador
    Tello-Morales, H., Pinos-Velez, E., Serpa-Andrade, L. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, ISSE 2018; doi:10.1109/SysEng.2018.8544428. Roma, Italia. Link.
  • Implementation of support tools for the presumptive diagnosis of glaucoma through identification and processing of medical images of the human eye
    Pinos-Velez, E., Flores-Rivera, M., Ipanque-Alama, W., Herrera-Alvarez, D., Chacon, C., Serpa-Andrade, L. IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, ISSE 2018; doi:10.1109/SysEng.2018.8544409. Roma, Italia. Link.
  • Embedded system as a third version of a didactic transmitter of needs that provides a way of communication to children with cerebral palsy of the spastic type
    Berrezueta-Guzman, J., Serpa-Andrade, L. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, ISSE 2018; doi:10.1109/SysEng.2018.8544412. Roma, Italia. Link.
  • IS 2 MoD: An interactive system based on expert systems and Kinect devices to support the motor rehabilitation and development of children with disabilities
    Perez-Munoz, A., Ingavélez-Guerra, P., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Solórzano-Guerrero, P., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Martínez-León, V., Faicán-Ulloa, M.B., Castro-Sigüenza, M. 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, SIPAIM 2018; doi:10.1117/12.2506723. Mazatlan, México. Link.
  • New approach of serious games in ludic complements created for rehabilitation therapies in children with disabilities using Kinect
    Perez-Munoz, A., Ingavelez-Guerra, P., Robles-Bykbaev, Y. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526464. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • JOHSAN – A multisensorial system to support the teaching-stimulation processes with children suffering from brain paralysis
    Gonzalez-Gonzalez, S., Guachun-Arias, J., Serpa-Andrade, L. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526424. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • An expert system to support the provisioning of staff with disabilities in industry
    Rodas-Tobar, M., Bernal-Bravo, C., Andres-Romero, M., Pinos-Figueroa, A., Vidal-Mogrovejo, P., Leon-Pesantez, A., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Pesantez-Aviles, F. 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018; doi:10.1109/ARGENCON.2018.8646043. San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina. Link.
  • Hierarchical clustering for collaborative filtering recommender systems
    Chalco, C.I., Chasi, R.B., Ortiz, R.H. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing, Software and Systems Engineering, The Human Side of Service Engineering and Human Factors in Energy, 2018; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94229-2_34. Orlando, United States. Link.
  • Clustering-based recommender system: Bundle recommendation using matrix factorization to single user and user communities
    Ortiz, R.H., Chasi, R.B., Chalco, C.I. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing, Software and Systems Engineering, The Human Side of Service Engineering and Human Factors in Energy, 2018; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94229-2_32. Orlando, United States. Link.
  • An Expert System to Provide Sexual and Reproductive Health Educational Contents for Young Deaf Women
    Oyola-Flores, C., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Ingavelez-Guerra, P., Galan-Montesdeoca, J. 4th Innovation and Trends in Engineering Congress, CONIITI 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIITI.2018.8587059. Bogotá, Colombia. Link.
  • Integration of Data Based on Ontologies for the Generation of a Multimedia Repository of Language and Speech
    Quisi-Peralta, D., Galan-Mena, J., Lopez-Notes, M., Chaglla-Rodriguez, L., Robles-Bykbaev, V. 4th Innovation and Trends in Engineering Congress, CONIITI 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIITI.2018.8587105. Bogotá, Colombia. Link.
  • A Computer Vision Approach Based on the Retinal Nerve Fiber Thickness Analysis to Estimate the Risk of Suffering Glaucoma
    Chazi-Solis, M.,Cajamarca-Bueno, C., Pinos-Velez, E., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Chacon, C.L. 4th Innovation and Trends in Engineering Congress, CONIITI 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIITI.2018.8587082. Bogotá, Colombia. Link.
  • An Intelligent System Based on Genetic Algorithms to Generate Study Groups Using Personality Traits and Academic Profiles in Higher Education
    Garcia-Velez, R., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Lopez-Notes, M., Calle-Lopez, D., Barros-Ponton, M., Galan-Mena, J. 4th Innovation and Trends in Engineering Congress, CONIITI 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIITI.2018.8587070. Bogotá, Colombia. Link.
  • E-Pumapunku: An Interactive App to Teach Children the Cañari and Inca Indigenous Cultures during Guided Museum Visits
    Arias-Espinoza, P., Medina-Carrion, A., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pesantez-Aviles, F., Ortega, J., Matute, D., Roldan-Monsalve, V. 4th Innovation and Trends in Engineering Congress, CONIITI 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIITI.2018.8587097. Bogotá, Colombia. Link.
  • Serious game to improve fine motor skills using Leap Motion
    Cabrera Hidalgo, J.C., Robles Bykbaev, Y., Arevalo Delgado, J.D., Pesantez Coyago, T., Bykbaev, V.R. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informatica y Desarrollos de Investigacion, CACIDI 2018; doi:10.1109/CACIDI.2018.8584370. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • An interactive tool based on serious games and fuzzy logic to support the motor development and rehabilitation of children with disabilities
    Perez-Munoz, A., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Perez-Munoz, D., Ingavelez-Guerra, P., Leon-Cadme, M. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informatica y Desarrollos de Investigacion, CACIDI 2018; doi:10.1109/CACIDI.2018.8584349. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • An interactive educational tool based on augmented reality, mobile applications and comic strips to teach children the Cañari and Inca cultures in the Ecuadorian context
    Medina-Carrion, A., Arias-Espinoza, P., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pesantez-Aviles, F., Ortega, J. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informatica y Desarrollos de Investigacion, CACIDI 2018; doi:10.1109/CACIDI.2018.8584190. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • A proposal based on knowledge modeling and ontologies to support the accessibility evaluation process of learning objects
    Ingavelez-Guerra, P., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Oton, S., Vera-Rea, P., Galan-Men, J., Ulloa-Amaya, M., Hilera, J.R. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informatica y Desarrollos de Investigacion, CACIDI 2018; doi:10.1109/CACIDI.2018.8584355. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • A proposal of a virtual robotic assistant and a rule-based expert system to carry out therapeutic exercises with children with Dyslalia
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Velasquez-Angamarca, V., Mosquera-Cordero, K., Calle-Lopez, D., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pinos-Velez, E., Leon-Pesantez, A. IEEE 3rd Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting, ETCM 2018; doi:10.1109/ETCM.2018.8580302. Cuenca, Ecuador. Link.
  • Semantic representation of information by ontological networks to improve knowledge management in higher education
    García-Vélez, R.A., Galán-Mena, J.A., Dahroug, A., Robles-Bykbaev, V.E., López-Nores, M. 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K 2018; ISBN:978-989758330-8. Seville, Spain. Link.
  • An interactive system to automatically generate video summaries and perform subtitles synchronization for persons with hearing loss
    Cuzco-Calle, I., Ingavelez-Guerra, P., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Calle-Lopez, D. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526371. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • Creating an Ontological Networks to Support the Inference of Personality Traits and Facets
    Garcia-Velez, R., Galan-Mena, J., Lopez-Nores, M., Robles-Bykbaev, V. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526453. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • A text filter based multimedia content recommender for children with intellectual disability
    Quisi-Peralta, D., Chiluisa-Castillo, D., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Lopez-Nores, M., Chaglla-Rodriguez, L. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526440. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • An educational support tool based on robotic assistants, mobile apps, and expert systems for children with Down syndrome
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Andrade-Prieto, E., Solorzano-Guerrero, P., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pesantez-Aviles, F., Parra-Astudillo, A. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526467. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • An educational environment based on digital image processing to support the learning process of biomaterials degradation in stem cells
    Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Naya, S., Tarrio-Saavedra, J., Diaz-Prado, S., Sanjurjo, C., Blanco, F., Cornejo-Reyes, J., Garzon, L., Calle-Lopez, D., Robles-Bykbaev, V. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing, INTERCON 2018; doi:10.1109/INTERCON.2018.8526403. Lima, Perú. Link.
  • Design, implementation and efficiency analysis of the special degree unit as an alternative for the graduated students’ degree: UPS case
    Arcos-Argudo, M., Pesántez-Avilés, F. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, AHFE 2018; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93882-0_8. Orlando, United States. Link.
  • Small world networks in education sciences
    Arcos-Argudo, M., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Peñaloza-Rivera, D. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, AHFE 2018; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93882-0_7. Orlando, United States. Link.
  • Innovation in the teaching practice at university: Some thoughs and ideas applied in Cuenca-Ecuador
    Pinos-Velez, E., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Serpa-Andrade, L. 2nd IEEE World Engineering Education Conference, EDUNINE 2018; doi:10.1109/EDUNINE.2018.8450970. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • An intelligent educative environment for drug administration practice in prehospital trauma care: A multidisciplinary experience between the engineering and medicine careers
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Vanegas-Izquierdo, P., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Flores, D., Penna-Cordero, S., Monje-Ortega, D. 2nd IEEE World Engineering Education Conference, EDUNINE 2018; doi:10.1109/EDUNINE.2018.8451004. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • A university administration system to automatically assign courses to teachers and support the design of timetables through mathematical modeling and restrictions analysis
    Calle-Lopez, D., Cornejo-Reyes, J., Pesantez-Aviles, F., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Rodas-Tobar, M., Vasquez-Vasquez, C. 2nd IEEE World Engineering Education Conference, EDUNINE 2018; doi:10.1109/EDUNINE.2018.8451006. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link.
  • Virtual learning environment for children with disabilities: A proposal based on MOODLE and content management with over the Top (OTT) technology
    Calle-Urgilez, K., Mena-Salcedo, M.F., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Carpio, H.T. 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, CONIELECOMP 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2018.8327177. PueblaCholula, México. Link.
  • Consensus socialization: A contribution to the assessment method center based on the use of a smartpen and the fast fourier transform
    Rodas-Tobar, M., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Ojeda-Zamalloa, I., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pesantez-Aviles, F. 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, CONIELECOMP 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2018.8327178. PueblaCholula, México. Link.
  • An interactive ecosystem based on Borda voting schemes and serious games to support the discovery of aggressiveness and inhibition traits on scholar children
    Robles-Bykbaev, V., Solorzano-Guerrero, P., Cajamarca-Llivipuma, M., Pena-Novillo, T., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Pesantez-Aviles, F., Pacurucu-Pacurucu, A. 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, CONIELECOMP 2018; doi:10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2018.8327185. PueblaCholula, México. Link.

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